Nationalism, violence and social mobilization in the Basque Country. Factors and mechanisms of ETA's rise and fall



Published 10-11-2015
Benjamín Tejerina


The political violence in its many manifestations, has deeply conditioned social practices and the Basque social imaginary in recent decades. The beginning of this process occurs during the Franco regime, when Basque nationalism underwent a profound mutation that marked daily life and the institutional structure of Basque society ever since. Four years ago, on October 20, 2011, Euskadi ta Askatasuna (ETA) announced a permanent cease-fire. There have been abundant researches on the origin and evolution of radical Basque nationalism to understand the changes that had been experienced over time. In this article the process of expansion and decline of ETA's activity and of its social and political supports are analyzed. Building on research carried out on Basque nationalism by Alfonso Pérez-Agote over three decades, we will attempt to complete his explanation of political violence paying attention to the social mobilization around it. Drawing on a series of research results, and following a historical logic that starts in the Franco's dictatorship and culminates in the first decade of the XXI century, the social (cognitive, affective and practical) mechanisms that enable its maintenance over time and its gradual erosion are explained.
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Basque nationalism, political violence, social mobilization, Alfonso Pérez-Agote, collective identity

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