Socialization of information and mobilization of victims. Regional strategies for the defense of human rights against violence in Mexico
Jairo Antonio López
The main literature that studies collective action of non-governmental human rights organizations places special emphasis on the main international organizations and organizations located in the capital of countries. Questioning this emphasis, in this paper we analyze the mobilization in defense of human rights of victims of local organizations against violence in Mexico. We suggest that these collective actors promoted innovative strategies against violence, through the building and sharing of reliable information about the human rights crisis, in addition to direct work and mobilization of the victims. Based on interviews with leaders of organizations, chronological analysis of press and official documents of the organizations, we identify that these strategies are shown in networks and regional support coalitions, the positioning of local agendas in the inter-American system of Human Rights and in the coordination in the crisis of enforced disappearance. The mobilization of local organizations and victims has been key in the criticism unleashed against the federal government at national and international protests generated after the disappearance of the 43 Ayotzinapa normalistas students, generating a clear episode of pressure and recognition of the human rights crisis in Mexico.
human rights, social mobilizations, conflict, victims, Mexico
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