Desires, semen and babies. Reproductive techniques and lesbian motherhood



Published 12-09-2018
Mercè Falguera Ríos


This article presents some ethnographic examples about the experiences of lesbian couples that make use of private clinics in order to achieve their motherhood project. Their motherhood projects arise from their desire to become mothers through the bodily experience of pregnancy one of them. A gender perspective allows exploring the binary and heterosexist vision currently present in the protocols and biomedical care in these cases, and further, the way that some lesbian women give meaning to their experiences of motherhood and how they manage two identities that have traditionally been designed as contradictory: that of mother and lesbian. This research addressed the complexity of maternity from a feminist position that involves maternal-filial relations and, at the same time, rejects the "maternal institution". The article is based in an ethnographic research in Catalonia on lesbian motherhood where reproductive techniques were used. An overview of those experiences is offered, beginning with the moment when women imagine themselves becoming mothers and then following them through fertility treatments and until pregnancy is achieved.

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assisted reproduction technologies (ART), lesbian, motherhood, lesbian parenthood, lesbian motherhood

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