Women in Salvadoran Gangs and the paradoxes of a precarious agency



Published 20-03-2019
María Santacruz Giralt


The phenomenon of maras or gangs in El Salvador has constituted an object of frequent study due to its becoming, over the past twenty years, a brutal manifestation of Salvadoran postwar violence. However, the approaches to the phenomenon tend to grant less centrality to the women who have integrated gangs. Based on feminist theories, in this text I pose the hypothesis that this omission is not only related to their minority situation in these groups, but also to the ways in which the link between women, transgression and violence is usually addressed, by associating passivity or limited agency with femininity in contexts of vulnerability and harm. I propose that the complexity of approaching these figures rests on the tensions and paradoxes that their violent action entails, since their incorporation into a group such as Salvadoran gangs —which seeks homologation in/of identity through the exercise of violence— means that agency can only be produced from their subjection and simultaneous deviation from the (male) frame of production of the gang-member-prototype. Based on bibliographical research and analysis of biographical interviews carried out with women who have been members of gangs, I propose that the agency they can develop is precarious since it is built from the subjection to the group norm. As women, they have to constantly show and reiterate that (male) gang identity, on which not only the laborious construction of a reputation depends, but their survival in hostile, unpredictable and violent environments.
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women gang members, female transgressors, identity, agency, subjection

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