Corpo-Politics of Vulnerability or How Matter Resists Discourse



Published 30-09-2019
Begonya Saez Tajafuerce


The paper offers a reflection on the corpo-politics of vulnerability. It refers to the Foucauldian notion of biopolitics and, above all and explicitly, to the actualization as well as the corrective thereof offered by Achille Mbembe on behalf of his notion of necropolitics. Being vulnerability the main ax that speaks of an ontological determination which will become political, the radically singular materiality of the body, which exceeds discourse and thereby escapes the logic of acknowledgment is accounted for in intersectional terms. Finally, the analysis is tested in relation to the film Eva no duerme.

Abstract 477 | texto (Español) Downloads 543



body, biopolitcs, necropolitics, vulnerability, resistance

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