Inhabiting the ground. Aesthetic approaches towards a dwelling in relation



Published 30-09-2019
Olaia Miranda Berasategi
Oihana Garro Larrañaga


This text analyzes different contemporary architectural and sculptural materializations distinguishable because of the relational and contingent approach to all that surrounds us. From a sensitive approach and articulation towards what coexists, the spatial configurations exhibited here are an example of a way of doing, of an ethic and a technique, which try to inhabit this world in relation. This is perceptible in the approach and listening to the surroundings of Junya Ishigami's architecture or in the configuration next to the things of Josu Bilbao's floor sculpture. They are aesthetic configurations that expose, rescuing Judith Butler's words, the irremediably relational and contingent condition of our existence. And from the manifest interdependence towards what surrounds and conditions us, these configurations are an example of what Adriana Cavarero proposes as «inclined geometry». This author understands inclination as an approach that, appearing outside itself, tends to the outside, in manifest structural interdependence of the subject towards that which coexists. This text exposes that inclined geometry through the spatial configurations of Junya Ishigami, Ryue Nishizawa, Gordon Matta-Clark and Josu Bilbao, as a possibility of inhabiting an unstable world.
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aesthetics, inhabit, construction, relation, inclination

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