One for all and all for one. Athletic Bilbao: sportive uniqueness, transversal identity



Published 01-03-2020
Fernando Gutiérrez-Chico


This paper delves into the study of the construction of identity around the football team Athletic Bilbao. Its unique "philosophy", defined by the defense of "the local", is still in use in a context where football is becoming increasingly global. This research is based on a series of semi-structured interviews with 25 Athletic fans residing in Castilla y León (born and not born in the Basque Country), and addresses the reasons for joining and belonging to the club, their understanding of the team's policy on players and their positioning on the rising commodification of football. The study shows that belonging to Athletic Bilbao is defined by a traditional model, whereby clubs act as representatives of their surroundings. This model mixes with an appreciation of "the self" as a bastion against the market rules reigning over modern football. Consequently, Athletic Bilbao's identity is marked by a transversality of interpretations that fans highlight depending on the moment and the circumstances.

Abstract 465 | texto (Español) Downloads 351



Athletic Bilbao, fan, identity, resistance, transversality

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Single Topic Issue. Sport and National Identity