The Transitional Devise: From the Administration of Uncertainty to the Emergence of New Socialities



Published 20-03-2021
Alejandro Castillejo


In this text I would like to propose a discussion on Transitional Justice (JT) within the framework of what I will define, with an ethnographic vision, as “transitional scenario”. I would like to argue that transitions, beyond a formalized and codified language that constitutes the hegemonic field of JT, refers also to a cultural and social phenomenon insofar as the categories that constitute the world of war and conflict or the categories in which we inhabit it collapse in order to produce others.  The idea of a "transitional scenario" constitutes a matrix of  analysis of what is essentially the management of uncertainty. This paper is based on my ethnographic work in South Africa, Colombia, and Perú, and seeks to understand this scenario as a device in which the materialization of the State, through a series of practices of spacialization, naming and terrotorialization taking into account examples of Colombia, is constitutive of new communalities. At the end, the article proposes the need of a critical studies agenda on political transitions.
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transitional scenario, Colombia, critical studies on political transitions, ethnography

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