Victims or actions: ETA's hidden itineraries



Published 20-03-2021
Caroline Guibet Lafaye


Euskadi Ta Askatasuna (ETA) is the longest clandestine organisation in Western Europe. To date, all the statistical studies concerning it have been produced on the basis of a database of its victims. In this article, we present an original database we have created of its actions from which it is possible to highlight the limits of some methodological choices and to propose a refined analysis of the group’s strategic options over its sixty years of existence. The present study thus contributes to unveil aspects of the collective’s strategy that have been overlooked in the literature, i.e. the modalities of its response to legal and illegal anti-terrorism, its support for social movements from the 1980s to the 2000s, or its attacks against Spanish economic interests, which were materially damaging but not costly in terms of human lives.
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ETA, clandestine violence, armed strategy, Basque country, database

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