You Will Recognize Them by Their Fruits. Perpetrator documents and victim voices in Portraits of Identification (Anita Leandro, 2014)



Published 05-10-2021
Vicente Sánchez Biosca


In recent years, the study of perpetrators of mass violence has grown substantially in academic publications, museums, memoirs, and the media. This has been done beyond the dependence on the influential and highly developed Holocaust Studies. In addition, the horizons of this research field have broadened from the analysis of singular personalities and the destruction machinery to the closer study of the documents, objects and the gaze of the perpetrators. It is in this domain that a film such as Portraits of Identification by Anita Leandro (2014) is inscribed. The documentary, born of its author’s historical research, rewrites the visual and material documents of the perpetrators of the first publicly reported case of torture in Brazil in 1969 through the use of editing and montage. By bringing together present testimonies, militant films from the 1970s, police photographs and the autopsy of a prisoner who died under torture, Anita Leandro joins this trend of film documentary that, in the wake of Harun Farocki and Chris Marker, consists in interrogating and analyzing the images by means of other images.

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torture, perpetrator images, documentary, brazilian dictatorship

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