Reception and integration of refugees. A perspective from documentaries
In recent years, especially since the misnamed «refugee crisis», documentaries have become a primary vehicle for analyzing the reality of refugees arriving in Europe, and also for raising awareness of the causes and drama of exile, as well as around the problems derived from these forced migrations in their different phases. Looking at the different migratory scenarios (exit, transit and destination), various documentaries, with diverse approaches, try to reflect the migratory experience of these refugees, as well as the political and social reaction of each place of destination. In this context, this article focuses on the analysis of four documentaries produced in Spain and Italy —«Refuge Memories», «Ongi Etorri», «La porta di casa. Storie e numeri di (stra)ordinaria accoglienza», and «Rotta balcanica. Ultima fermata»—, focusing on the reception and integration of refugees: one of the migratory challenges that has had a more contained and disparate projection in the documentary format. Views that allow us to reflect, in a socio-critical key, how a reception model without integration in rights only entails a resigned or tolerated acceptance of «the other», perceived as a continuous threat to general well-being, thus denying spaces for coexistence and equality.
refugees, reception-integration, documentaries, Italy, Spain
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