Alternatives to Migration, Collaboration, and Postmigration: Origen by Maribel Sánchez-Maroto and Ana Pastor (2020), and No nacimos refugiados (2020) by Claudio Zulián



Published 28-09-2022
Isolina Ballesteros


Media representations and audio-visual products that focus on migration often simplify the phenomenon by presenting it solely as the consequence of lack of opportunity and persecution in the sending countries, and in terms of the immigrants’ anonymity, homogeneity, precarity, and victimization in the receiving countries. Two cultural products that provide a more complex vision are examined in this essay: Origen, by Maribel Sánchez Maroto and Ana Pastor (2020), and No nacimos refugiados, by Claudio Zulián (2020). They both challenge the myths of migration promoting national ventures in the countries of origin, and shy away from the negative connotations linked to the notion of refuge. This text examines the testimonial and collaborative approach of both documentaries, as well as their goal of generating «impact» and highlighting the counter-migrant experience or the «post-migrant condition» of their protagonists.

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migration, post-migration, collaboration, impact, refugees

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