Collective Emotions, Indignation and Social Movements: Eviction since the 21st Century’s Great Recession



Published 27-10-2023
Eva Sotomayor


An undeniable causal relationship for social scientists is that the exponential increase in evictions during the Spanish housing market crisis at the turn of the century was inextricably linked to the Great Recession of 2008. Another question is to explain the concordances between this structural cause and others of an individual nature by means of the analytical fractioning methods that sociology provides us with. To this end, in this paper I start from the dissociation of the social fact made ad hoc through the triad of levels of analysis proposed by Smelser —macro, meso and micro-sociological —, explaining in each of them the most pressing eviction effects on the society, the community and the individual, respectively. Likewise, and in line with James Coleman's proposal, I suggest an analytical causal connection between the three levels. In this way, the aim is to show how the massive evictions that occurred in Spain in the central years of the crisis (macro level) provoked the indignation, anger and shame of broad sectors of Spanish society (micro level), as well as the emergence of new social movements (meso level). In the most extreme cases, this chain of macro and micro factors (crisis-eviction-despair-depression) led to the suicide of many people who were evicted. In turn, in the other direction (micro-macro), those reactive social emotions that gave rise to new social movements ended up influencing the Spanish political system.

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eviction, collective emotions, suicide, social movements, economic crisis

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