Expert’s Discourses about Climate Change in Spain: Communicate Uncertainties or not, that is the Question



Published 27-03-2023
Pablo Francescutti


Social attitudes to climate change are strongly influenced by the uncertainties associated with it; in turn, perceptions of them depend on the experts: the actors socially entitled to produce valid knowledge about the climate. Theirs points of view have been scarcely studied in Spain. Filling this empirical gap is the aim of this article based on the analysis of the discourse produced in in-depth interviews to experts in the subject. The analysis carried out within the framework of the «sociology of ignorance» reveals a sharp awareness of scientific uncertainties linked to the fear of its use for justifying climate change denial and inaction. The vision of global futures in a context of global warming is bleak; by contrast, personal horizons appear less disturbing. The epistemic gap between experts and laymen is reaffirmed, but some argue that both positions are interchangeable. The interviewees agree that experts have to advice institutions and inform society, and that uncertainties are difficult to communicate; and disagree over the pros and cons of communicating them to laymen. In conclusion: climate change —together with the doubts raised by COVID-19— leads the Spanish experts to confront scientific uncertaintes and to ponder the challenge of its public communication.

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experts, laymen, discourses, climate change, uncertainty

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