Call me Seedling. Listening to the Murmur of the Pine Trees



Published 14-10-2024
David Casado-Neira


The forest has become a place with deep roots in the imaginary of Nature. It also projects a certain image of a sanctuary, as a biotope in which organic life emerges in its original form. The sanctuary protects and heals, and is the representation of an ideal, a utopia; here, salvation is materialized in organic matter. Paradoxically, the forest is a historical product that plays with the idea of the primigenial, and it is much more than a simple ecosystem. The forest goes throught diferent states, forms, and esences. We will follow the traces of the genealogy of the current forest in the history of Spain, through three states and their names: from plantation to forest, from forest to park, from park to paradise. And in all of them a tree is a seedling. In these steps, (re)forestation is shown as the return to a previous state of Nature that has erased its own history.

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forest, woodland, reforestation, Nature, plantation

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