In the Name of the Land. A Teluric Approach to Urbanism
The purpose of urbanism is the territorial planning of an administrative area, gathering the necessary changes to reach a future horizon shared by the community. The transformations for tomorrow are plotted on a plan, thought on the ground and assigned a name-category. The naming is an affiliation to a regime of action that will make possible a change that builds a physiognomy of the soil useful for human life. Soil, but not land. Thinking of earth instead of soil is a change that brings about a recognition of soil as the habitat of multiple forms of life to which we must necessarily pay attention in our human-constructive interventions. The introduction of the telluric in the basis of thought of the discipline of urban construction is a turn that, it is speculated, would make possible a change towards an ecological urbanism and the door to other narratives of urban-human transformations.
urbanism, ecology, land, soil
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