The name of those who have no name



Published 14-10-2024
Mariana Norandi


The text invites us to reflect on the identities that are built between two national territories and that cannot be defined with a single name. They are identities of people displaced from their place of origin during childhood, which are built between two worlds. We start from the case of the exiled daughters and sons not returned from Uruguay, to, from there, think about identities that break with the modern binarism and that move between names and belongings. The text concludes that, although these identities occupy a space located “between two” national states, it does not mean that their position is stable or equidistant between two names, but rather that they constantly move between both. They are so unstable that sometimes they lean towards one side and other times towards the other; Sometimes they seem like one thing, even though they are not, and other times they are not, even though they seem like one, thereby breaking the modern logic of disjunction and exclusion, essentialisms and dichotomies.

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identity, name, exile, childhood, daughters, children

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