Where do all these bisexuals come from? What comes before and after the name



Published 14-10-2024
Paula Calcedo Roda


The recent success of bisexuality in Spain, which derives from its expansion among those who understood themselves as heterosexual and also among those who used the label lesbian (“dyke”) or gay (“faggot”) to define themselves, has brought movements that seem contradictory. One movement is one of openness, which understands bisexuality as fluid because it is not constrained by any gender, as heterosexuality and homosexuality are. The other movement is one of closure, linked to certain intellectual and/or activism spaces within the Spanish State, which express a search for traits that identify bisexual people. In that sense, they try to create a common framework of what being bisexual is in the aesthetic and performative sense through concepts such as the bisexual pluma (flamboyant). This article covers these two movements, and explores what makes them possible: the academic and activist work that manages to establish a definition of bisexuality that enables its affirmation in LGBTIQ+ activism spaces.

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bisexuality, flamboyant, fluid identity, sexual identity change

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