The identity of the youngest (ex)combatants
María Clemencia Castro Vergara
Gloria Amparo Camilo
This text offers a critical perspective on the identity markers upon which the figure of the “child/young (ex)combatant” is constructed. The text deconstructs three dichotomies that prefigure this notion, which have significantly shaped the understanding and treatment of these experiences: firstly, it questions the rigid division between childhood and adulthood that imposes a simplistic and essentialist view of childhood and the experience of (ex)combatants. Secondly, it challenges the war-no war dichotomy. This binary distinction tends to make invisible the ambivalent experiences and ways of life that develop in areas of armed conflict, where the lines between war and peace are often blurred. Lastly, it examines the entry and exit from war dichotomy. This linear perspective underestimates the complex and prolonged nature of armed conflict in people’s daily lives and overlooks the unique ways of processing the experience of war. The text thus discusses how these notions tend to configure ideal references from which the life experiences of the youngest (ex)combatants are interpreted and identity markers are fixed to accommodate them.
childhood, former combatants, identity, war, civilian life

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