Tomorrow, a vast repertoire of identities. Presentation
This text presents the monographic issue ‘Future identities”. It addresses the relationship between identity and future time. Although academic scholars have paid little attention to that issue, our futurocentric society speculates intensely on the future of identities; indeed, future identities abound in fiction and public discourse. The papers collected here focus on just a few of the expressions of futurible identities (ethnic, women’s, parental, extraterrestrial, class and individual) and although different perspectives are taken, the technological revolution appears as an important variable in all of them. The issue features contributions by Lena Kugler, Ezequiel Gatto, Jimena Escudero Pérez, Lidia Merás, Esther Marín Ramos, and Massimo Leone. Two critical papers by Javier Callejo and Lautaro Cossia complete the issue.
identities, future, technology, fiction, public discourse
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