Moderator Effect of Time Orientation Patterns in Achieving Self- Regulated Learning // El efecto modulador de los patrones temporales sobre el logro en el aprendizaje autorregulado



Published 03-04-2014
Calixto Gutiérrez-Braojos Honorio Salmerón-Pérez Jesús M. Muñoz-Cantero


In the present study we explore time perspective patterns and their moderation effects on a causal model of academic achievement based on self-regulated learning. Participants were 697 students from Spanish universities. A battery of instruments was used to collect the data. The results of a cluster analysis showed three time perspective patterns: proactive, balanced and interrupted. A multi-group analysis tested the moderation effect of each time pattern in a path analysis that explained GPA based on relevant variables within the self-regulated learning perspective. The results indicate that the explanatory model of academic achievement based on self-regulated learning is more appropriate for the proactive time pattern, while in the other time patterns, academic achievement is explained by external regulation to a greater degree.  Therefore, we suggest that the time pattern can be an explanatory factor, or at least related, in the qualitative change from externally regulated learning to self-regulated learning.

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Time perspective, self-efficacy beliefs, achievement goals, regulation strategies, academic achievement.
