Math Skills and Executive Functioning in Preschool: Clinical and Ecological Evaluation // Competencias matemáticas y funcionamiento ejecutivo en preescolar: Evaluación clínica y ecológica



Published 17-10-2014
María-Jesús Presentación Rebeca Siegenthaler Vicente Pinto Jessica Mercader Ana Miranda


This study compares the relationship between executive functioning, analyzed with clinical and ecological tests, and math skills in preschoolers. The children (255 children 5 to 6 years old) were evaluated using neuropsychological tests of inhibition, and working memory and the TEDI-MATH to estimate basic mathematical skills. The ecological evaluation of the executive functioning by the parents and teachers was carried out with the Behavioral Rating Inventory of Executive Function (BRIEF). Compared to the ecological ratings, the neuropsychological measures show more correlations with math skills and a greater predictive capacity. The teachers' BRIEF results were superior to those of the parents. In all cases, working memory is the process that shows the greatest predictive power.

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Executive functioning, preschool, basic math skills, working memory, inhibition
