The impact of Secondary School Transition on Self-Concept and Self- Esteem //O impacto da transição escolar para o 2o ciclo sobre o autoconceito e a autoestima



Published 29-06-2017
Vítor Alexandre Coelho
Ana Maria Romão


Secondary school transition takes place earlier in Portugal than in most Western countries. This study aims to analyze the impact of this transition on the self-concept and self-esteem of Portuguese students, and to identify potential differential gender impacts. The sample included 377 students (Mage = 9.46; SD = 0.93; 52.8% boys). Self-report questionnaires were administered in 4th grade (middle and end) and 5th grade (beginning and end). Multilevel linear modeling with a repeated measures design was used to evaluate the evolution of self-perceptions during secondary school transition. Results show significant decreases in all dimensions of self-concept and in self-esteem during this transition. Gender differences emerged with boys showing greater decreases in emotional self-concept and girls in academic self- concept. Students retained at the end of 5th grade had greater declines in all self-perceptions. The results highlight the importance of intervention to prevent the negative impact of secondary school transition on self-perceptions. 

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secondary school transition, self-concept, self-esteem, gender differences.
