The brief-ACRA scale on learning strategies for university students // Evaluación de estrategias de aprendizaje mediante la escala ACRA abreviada para estudiantes universitarios



Published 28-12-2017
Lucía Jiménez García
Alfonso Javier García González Javier López-Cepero Borrego Francisco Javier Saavedra García


The examination and promotion of learning strategies in higher education has become a hot point not only for academic success but also for professional and personal development. Among the tools available for evaluating learning strategies, the ACRA adaptation for university students stands out as one of the most popular in studies with Spanish-speaking populations. However, there have been no attempts at validation using confirmatory factor techniques and there are no cut-off points available for training purposes. In this paper, the factor structure of the ACRA scale is examined. The sample consisted of 809 university students and we used a cross-validation strategy (combining exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses). A 17-item version is proposed, showing evidence for structure invariance across genders. The resulting three-factor structure is discussed (microstrategies, memorizing-keys and metacognition, and emotional-social support), together with its association with other dimensions. Moreover, by-gender criteria are provided. 

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