Understanding the Connections between Self-Perceptions and Future Expectations: A Study with Spanish and Portuguese Early Adolescents // Las relaciones entre autopercepciones y expectativas futuras: un estudio con preadolescentes españoles y portugueses



Published 28-12-2017
Laura Verdugo Yolanda Sánchez-Sandoval Teresa Freire


This paper studies the relationships between Spanish and Portuguese adolescents' positive self-perceptions (self-esteem, life satisfaction, and self-efficacy) and future expectations. The sample includes 534 adolescents, aged 12-16 (M = 12.54, SD = .77). Despite the economic instability in southern European countries, adolescents from this study showed positive self-perceptions and high future expectations, with some significant differences related to sex and nationality. Regression analyses show the predictive capacity of self-perceptions for future expectations. Besides, the structural equations models confirm that there is a positive causal effect of self-perceptions on the future expectations of the Spanish and Portuguese adolescents. The main implication of this research is to strengthen the self-confidence of the younger generation during adolescence. This will have a great impact on the development of career goals and the perceived likelihood of realizing one's goals in the future. This issue is essential to keep qualified adolescents in their own countries. 

Abstract 443 | PDF Downloads 142 PDF (Español) Downloads 1433



Future Expectations, Self-esteem, Life satisfaction, Self-efficacy, Countries comparisons
