The Instructional Effectiveness of Two Virtual Approaches: Processes and Product //La eficacia instruccional de dos enfoques virtuales: procesos y producto



Published 20-07-2018
Judit García-Martín Jesús-Nicasio García-Sánchez


We tested the relative instructional effectiveness of two virtual approaches delivered via a free online training programme: product and process. By product, we mean that learning focuses on analysis of performance, execution, success or final results, which can be measured by indicators such as productivity or quantity of ideas. By processes, we mean that learning focuses on the orchestration, dynamics and deployment of the learner's mental process, and other variables that modulate the acquisition of any skills. To this end, we designed and implemented a virtual instructional skills programme as a free university continuing education course delivered online and lasting 75hours, using a Learning Management System (LMS), namely the University of Leon's External Moodle, in which 286 people participated. The results indicate that the two virtual approaches designed using the LMS exerted a positive effect on the acquisition of diverse contents, skills and strategies, and an increase was observed in self-efficacy, generalisation, the emotional component, practical application and positive attitudes towards written communication skills.

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