Number Sense Abilities, Working Memory and RAN: A Longitudinal Approximation of Typical and Atypical Development in Chilean Children // Sentido numérico, memoria de trabajo y RAN: una aproximación longitudinal al desarrollo típico y atípico de niños chilenos



Published 08-01-2020
Bárbara Guzmán Cristina Rodríguez Felipe Sepúlveda Roberto A. Ferreira


The present study examined the contribution of working memory and Rapid Automatized Naming (RAN) to growth trajectories in number processing, measured using Curriculum-based Measurement (CBM). Participants were two groups of first grade children; one group were at risk of developing mathematics disabilities (MLD-at-risk, n=32), and the other included typically developing (non-MLD, n=32) children. Of all the cognitive measures, backward digit span (BDS) tasks and RAN-Letter made significant contributions to differentiating group performance. RAN-Letter provided differentiation of groups, and BDS provided differentiation of the growth rates of both groups in number processing skills. These results highlight the relevance of RAN and BDS for the development of number processing skills in first grade, especially for MLD-at-risk children. BDS is therefore a very important task to be measured during the early stages of mathematics instruction, because it predicts deficits in development of number skills.
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