Influence of self-esteem and attention on the academic performance of ESO and FPB students // Influencia de la autoestima y la atención en el rendimiento académico del alumnado de la ESO y FPB



Published 21-01-2021
Sandra Cid-Sillero Eider Pascual-Sagastizabal Juan-Ignacio Martínez-de-Moretin


The present study analyzes the influence that the self-esteem and attention of ESO and FPB students have on their academic performance. We worked with a sample of 336 students of 3rd and 4th of ESO and 1st and 2nd of FPB. The attention capacity of the students and self-esteem were analyzed. The academic performance was evaluated through the grades obtained after the course was completed. The results reveal that the cognitive abilities of the students seem to have a direct influence on their academic performance. That is to say, those students who have a better executive performance usually obtain better marks. In addition, self-esteem seems to play a moderating role between cognitive skills and academic performance, that is, interaction attention*self-esteem helps to better explain academic performance, but only in FPB students.
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Attention, Self-esteem, Academic performance, Secondary school, Professional training
