Mediator and moderator effect of resilience between self-efficacy and burnout amongst social and legal sciences faculty members // Efecto mediador y moderador de la resiliencia entre la autoeficacia y el burnout entre el profesorado universitario de cien



Published 01-07-2021
Héctor Galindo-Domínguez Maitane Pegalajar Juan-de-Dios Uriarte


It is believed that a positive perception that one has when performing a specific task, allows having a better positioning to be able to face the challenges demanded by the professional environment with greater ease and optimism, consequently, reducing the levels of burnout. The main objective of this research is to verify by means of an analysis of mediation and moderation if this hypothesis, that connects self-efficacy, resilience and burnout, occurs amongst social and legal sciences faculty members. To this effect, 384 faculty members participated on this study. The results reveal that resilience works as a mediator between self-efficacy and burnout with the same strength regardless of the contextual variables, but not as moderator. The correlations between the three constructs resulted significant in all cases. Finally, meaningful differences were found between gender and between the type of university. In view of these results, theoretical and practical applicability is discussed.

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