Parental supervision and victims of cyberbullying: Influence of the use of social networks and online extimacy



Published 13-06-2022
José-María Martin-Criado José-Antonio Casas Rosario Ortega-Ruiz Rosario Del rey


Online parental supervision is considered a protective factor against cybervictimization, but it seems that this relationship is mediated by the practices of children in social networks (RRSS). This work aims to advance in this line of research. First, analyzing the direct relationship between both variables in victims of cyberbullying. Second, considering the extimacy and the use of RRSS as mediating variables. Third, analyzing the possible differences in gender and age groups in this relationship. And finally, knowing whether these variables influence the possibility of being a victim of cyberbullying. The sample is made up of 6,408 (49% girls) students in primary and secondary education, aged between 10 and 16 (M = 12.60, SD = 1.65). After selecting the victims of cyberbullying (n = 817), descriptive and comparative analyses of means between sexes and age groups were carried out. Two structural equation models (SEM) have been calculated with this sub-sample of cybervictims. The first one with the direct relationship between parental supervision and cybervictimization without finding an adjustment, and the second one that confirms this relationship mediated by extimacy and the use of RRSS. This model does not show differences in adjustment between sexes and age groups. Likewise, it has been found that the variables studied are important in the possibility of becoming a cybervictim. Based on these results, it can be concluded that positive parental supervision can reduce cybervictimization if it promotes monitoring of extimacy and the use of RRSS.

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