Teacher training on neuroeducation for improving reading, mathematical, social, emotional and moral competencies of secondary school students. A two-year quasi-experimental study



Published 01-07-2023
María Caballero-Cobos Vicente J. Llorent


Teacher training is directly related to the quality of the educational process. In recent years, the contributions of neuroeducation have begun to be valued as an important element to improve teachers’ skills. The current study has the objective of measuring the effectiveness of a teacher training program in neuroeducation through the improvement of three key competencies, reading, mathematical, social, emotional and moral competencies in secondary school students. This quasi-experimental study was carried out over two years, in which there have been two experimental and one control group, with 209 participants from all three schools in the same town of Spain (53.2% girls and 46.8% boys). The subjects are from all the classes of 1st grade of Secondary Education in the pre-test (M = 12.18 years old, SD = .45). After carrying out a repeated-measures ANOVA, the results show a significant effect of the intervention on reading competence, mathematical competence and empathy (social and emotional area) between the experimental groups and the control one. These findings invite us to think about the potential of neuroeducation in schools and have implications for educational policies, teacher training and school practice.

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