Vol. 27 No. 2 (2022)

July–December 2022

Published: 01-07-2023


What does the social and emotional learning interventions (SEL) tell us? A meta-analysis

Murat Ağırkan, Tuncay Ergene
Abstract 177 | PDF (Español) Downloads 449 PDF Downloads 293

Multilevel meta-analysis of school mindfulness-based intervention programs in Spain

María José Arenilla Villalba, David Alarcón Rubio, María Amapola Povedano Díaz
Abstract 166 | PDF (Español) Downloads 365 PDF Downloads 140

Cooperative learning interventions and associated outcomes in future teachers: A systematic review

Javier Fernandez-Rio, Sergio Rivera-Pérez, Damián Iglesias
Abstract 173 | PDF (Español) Downloads 246 PDF Downloads 802

Bidirectional association between normative adjustment and bullying perpetration in adolescence: A prospective longitudinal study

Eva M. Romera, Manuel Carmona-Rojas, Rosario Ortega-Ruiz, Antonio Camacho
Abstract 120 | PDF (Español) Downloads 203 PDF Downloads 103

Bullying in adolescence: Impact on socioemotional and behavioral adjustment

Ildefonso Álvarez Marín, Alicia Pérez-Albéniz, Beatriz Lucas-Molina, Vanesa Martínez Valderrey, Eduardo Fonseca-Pedrero
Abstract 206 | PDF (Español) Downloads 591 PDF Downloads 415

The prediction of teacher credibility on student motivation: Academic engagement and satisfaction as mediating variables

Facundo Froment, Manuel de-Besa Gutiérrez
Abstract 186 | PDF (Español) Downloads 393 PDF Downloads 447

Emotional intelligence and social support of teachers: Exploring how personal and social resources are associated with job satisfaction and intentions to Quit Job

Sergio Mérida-López, Cirenia Quintana-Orts, Taina Hintsa, Natalio Extremera
Abstract 147 | PDF (Español) Downloads 204 PDF Downloads 222

Effects of teachers’ participation in continuing professional development on students’ perceived physical literacy, motivation and enjoyment of physical activity

Raymond K.W. Sum, Tristan Wallhead, Fong-Jia Wang, Siu-Ming Choi, Ming-Hui Li, Yong Liu
Abstract 140 | pdf (Español) Downloads 219 PDF Downloads 308

Adaptation of the direct and inferential mediation model of reading comprehension for Spanish speakers: A systematic review

Juan Martínez-Cubelos, Juan Cruz Ripoll Salceda
Abstract 156 | PDF (Español) Downloads 460 PDF Downloads 169