Effect of a psychoeducational intervention on motor and perceptual-visual development through the inhibition of primitive reflexes in schoolchildren from 4 to 7 years old



Published 30-06-2024
Lidia Infante-Cañete Beatriz Aguilar-Guerrero Agustín Wallace-Ruiz


The efficacy of the Assessing Neuromotor Readiness for Learning program (Blythe, 2012) on inhibition of primitive reflexes is presented. The sample is made up of 25 girls and 21 boys aged four to seven years old (M = 4.84, SD = 1.10). The Developmental Screening of the Institute of Neurophysiological Psychology of Chester, INPP (Blythe, 2012) has been used to evaluate the efficacy of the intervention through a pretest-postest design with control group. ANCOVA and Factorial ANOVA have been used for statistical analysis, depending on the fulfillment of assumptions. The main findings of this study refers to the existence of active primitive reflexes in a sample of schoolchildren and how these primitive reflexes are sensitive to psychoeducational intervention on reflex inhibition through a movement program. In addition, the involvement of inhibition of primitive reflexes in improving motor development has been highlighted but except for visual perception skills.

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