Analogy Construction and Success in Mathematics and Science Problem-solving: a Study with Secondary Students // Construcción de analogías y éxito en la resolución de problemas de matemáticas y ciencias: un estudio con alumnado de Secundaria



Published 25-07-2012
Carlos B. Gomez-Ferragud Joan J. Solaz-Portolés Vicente Sanjosé


We conducted an empirical study to analyse the association between students' perception of surface and structural analogies between problems, and their algebraic success. Different surface and structural relationships between one 'source' problem and 'target' problems were considered. We also considered high (daily life) and low (scientific) familiarity contexts. Algebraic success was measured by the equations selected to solve each problem. Similarities and differences between problems were explicitly asked to students. Results showed a significant correlation between detecting the correct structural relation between problems and selecting the correct equations to solve them. Low familiarity (science) problems obtained lower success independently of other factors. Usual teaching procedures seemed to increase the probability that students consider the isomorphism as the only possible relationship between problems.

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Problem-solving, Analogies, Surface and Structure, Familiarity, Transfer
