Music Training Influence on Cognitive and Language Development in 3 to 4 year-old Children // Influencia del entrenamiento musical en el desarrollo cognitivo y lingüístico de niños de 3 a 4 años



Published 02-01-2014
Lucía Herrera Marta Hernández-Candelas Oswaldo Lorenzo Cindy Ropp


This research is a longitudinal study, with the objective of determining the effect of formal music training on cognitive development in 3 to 4 year-old children with a special focus on language. For two years the Experimental Group (n = 80) received formal music classes for 20 minutes, 5 times a week. Early childhood teachers were trained and mentored by music educators to teach music classes during their scheduled teaching time. Control Group children (n = 133) did not receive formal music classes and their teachers did not receive music education training. The Child Observation Record (COR) from HighScope was used to assess child development. This assessment battery was administered six times during the study. The findings demonstrate that music training can make a significant difference in children's overall development, including the language domain. Further recommendations are provided.

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Music training, early childhood, cognitive development, language, preschool teachers
