Análisis experimental del ritmo de la lengua catalana
Montse Cantin
Antonio Ríos
Our analysis is based on a study of Os (1984) about two rhythmically distinct languages: Dutch (stress-timed language) and Italian (syllable-timed language). Os studies the same text at three speech rates (slow, normal, fast) in order to analyze the differences in syllable, segment and pause duration. He follows Bertinetto's suggestions (1981), who proposes, as one of the main factors for rhythm, the distinct influence that tempo exercise on languages. In stress-timed languages an increased speech rate is got by shortening unstressed syllables, whereas in syllable-timed languages the shortening is proportional to both types of syllable. We have analyzed a Catalan version of the text used by Os: "The fable of the Northwind and the Sun". This text was read at three speech rates by a native speaker. The results of our analysis show that Catalan appears to behave as Italian, as regard syllabic shortening due to speech rate's increasing. Therefore, it must be considered as syllable-timed language.
Nola aipatu
Cantin, Montse, eta Antonio Ríos. 1991. «Análisis Experimental Del Ritmo De La Lengua Catalana». Anuario Del Seminario De Filología Vasca "Julio De Urquijo" 25 (2):487-513.
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