Cinema and Celebration of the Basque Nation: The Aberri Eguna during the Spanish Second Republic



Published 03-09-2014
Andoni Elezcano Roqueñi


In this paper we analyze the shooting of the first four edition of the Aberri Eguna (The Day of the Basque Homeland), which took place in Bilbao in 1932, in San Sebastian in 1933, in Vitoria in 1934, and in Pamplona in 1935. In this way it is possible to study the cinematographic initiatives undertaken by the Basque Nationalist Party (PNV) during the Second Spanish Republic; and the evolution of this nationalist festivity, through its ritual, symbolic, organizational and political outlook. The analysis of these films is useful to delve on the way in which the PNV used cinema and this festivity to embody the abstract idea of the nationalist community, a festivity that quickly became an important symbol for the Basque nationalism and a catalyst for quite a lot of other symbols. These films are also a new source in the study of the very history of the PNV, its organization an its leadership in the thirties.

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Basque Nationalism, Spanish Second Republic, Aberri Eguna, cinema, symbols
