About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Its founding objectives are several: firstly, the study of work from a multidisciplinary perspective; secondly, the creation of a space for meeting and reflection, in which the different economic, social and public administration sectors can exchange and generate converging ideas; thirdly, to contribute, through ideas, to the improvement of employment and social inclusion.

Each issue of Lan Harremanak has a monographic section, an open section and some issues also include bibliographical reviews.


Peer Review Process

As from the issue number 41 (included), all manuscripts are anonymously evaluated by double anonymous process (two or more talics without quotation marks are used for newspaper title). The selection of experts is under the competence of the Editorial Board, which counts with the academic, scientific and professional experience of the reviewers. Within the evaluation process is checked the compliance with: the article is original, so it has not been previously published; the quality and cohesion of the article with the reference of the hypothesis information and empirical as well theoretical data; the opportunity and relevance of the topic addressing discussion in its field of investigation; the text compliance with the Journal’s stylistic; and the appropriateness of the bibliographical note. Furthermore, the external referees count with the form which will be filled to show their suggestions and corrections.

The decision of the article publication will be adopted by the majority of external referees (middle plus one). It must be highlighted that any article will be published without a minimum of two positive reports by the external referees. Therefore, lastly, the final decision of the article publication corresponds to the Editorial Board which will decide to publish or not the manuscript based its decision on the external referees’ reports.

Authors will receive the results of the blind peer-review and, when appropriate, will be asked to make the changes suggested by the reviewers within the indicated period.


Phases in the doubly anonymous process of an article:

Phase 1: The author submits the manuscript without any personal details

Phase 2: The Editorial Board will check the anonymity of the article and will decide if the article follows or not in the editing process.

Phase 3: Doubly anonymous by the external referees, the experts in the subject matter review the article.

Phase 4: The reviewers send the result of their review to the Editorial Board through the filled form.

Phase 5: Authors are notified the result of the review process, which could be the following:

Acceptation: The article is accepted without changes when the result of the review process is positive.

Declination: The article is rejected when the result of the review process is negative.

Acceptation (with revisions): The author is requested to make the changes suggested by the reviewers before accepting it for definitive publication.

Acceptation (with revisions and other review): In dependence of the evaluation result, the author must introduce in the article the suggested revisions and the Editorial Board will send it again to an external referee for other review.


Publication Frequency

The “Lan Harremanak” Journal is published biannually: in the months of June and December.

Open Access Policy

"Lan Harremanak" is an open access journal which applies the Creative Commons (CC BY) licenses. This means that the total or partial reproduction, the distribution, the public communication of the article and the creation of other adhered works, included the commercial purposes are allowed, as long as the author of the original is provided. Therefore, this journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public. The users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of their articles.

The authors whose contributions are accepted for publication in this journal, will retain the non-exclusive right to use their contributions for academic, research and educational purposes.

Preferably the use of the published version of the scientific contributions (post-print version of the editor) or, failing that, of the post-print version of the author already evaluated and accepted, which will be accessible in open as soon as it is, will be allowed possible.

This journal provides immediate free access to its content under the principle that making research financed by the public funds freely available to the public, which encourages greater global knowledge sharing. Accordingly, this journal does not charge the authors any cost for the presentation or processing of the articles.

Interoperability policy

The Journal provides an OAI-PMH (Open Archives Initiative - Protocol for Metadata Harvesting) interface that allows other portals and information services to access the metadata of the published content and is available at https://ojs.ehu.eus/index.php/Lan_Harremanak/oai

Los datos de los artículos publicados en la revista están disponibles para procesos de minería de datos mediante el uso de APIs. Pueden consultar la documentación técnica en https://docs.pkp.sfu.ca/dev/api/

Ethical Code of "Lan Harremanak"

"Lan Harremanak"journal is committed to guarantee the ethics and quality of the published articles. The journal strives to respond to the current needs and interests of the readers as well as authors with regard to improving the scientific quality of the papers and publications. In addition, it complies with the regulations on personal data protection, confidentiality and intellectual property.

The importance, the originality and clarity of the received manuscripts, as well as the validity of the study and its relevance in accordance with the objectives of the journal are taken into account for the final admission or not of the manuscript.

The journal publishes all the guidelines which authors must comply with. These instructions are updated regularly. In addition, a double-blind evaluation process is followed for articles which could be published. The journal is open to anyone from an academic or professional field or background linked to the subject and/or topic of the journal. Each person interested in publishing a paper in the journal must take into account all the criteria for submitting manuscripts as well as the established paper selection system.

Regarding the prevention of possible bad practices, the authors must guarantee that the works submitted are original and unpublished, and must avoid both, plagiarism and self-plagiarism. Plagiarism is understood as the presentation of someone else's work as one's own; the mention of phrases, concepts or ideas of others without citing the source or misquoting; the use of literal or paraphrased quotes without any reference to the source. Self-plagiarism is the redundant reuse of one's own work, usually used without citing the work properly. The author must bear in mind that the manuscripts are subjected to plagiarism check-in processes through the Similarity Check system and Turnitin. The criteria for evaluating similarity or not, the following of the guidelines of the COPE Guide for these cases, both, will always be subject to the decision of the Editorial Board. In the case when it is proven that plagiarism has indeed occurred or there are doubts, the manuscript will be discarded for publication.

In the case of shared authorship, the person who appears as the journal's interlocutor must ensure that the text presented is the result of a consensus of all the authors and it has not been previously presented or published in another journal or any kind of medium.

The journal editors strive to ensure that the evaluation of journal articles is fair, impartial, and convenient. They advise the evaluators in everything required and offer them an evaluation form that is updated regularly. The evaluators in any case should disseminate or use information, details or interpretations contained in the text under review for their own benefit or benefit of third parties. For their part, editors have the obligation to keep the manuscripts received and their content confidential until they have been published. Likewise, no editor may use data, arguments or interpretations contained in unpublished works for their own research, unless they have the express and written consent of the authors to do it.


Lan Harremanak is sponsored by the Faculty of Labour Relations and Social Work of the University of the Basque Country