Sindicalismo combativo (ELA 2012: crecer desde el contrapoder)



Published 17-12-2013
Joxe Elorrieta Aurrekoetxea


The research objective has been to address the situation of the trade-union movement, using ELA's trajectory study as a reference. This path has been contrasted with other practices related both to State-Nations —Western Europe— and Nations without state —Quebec—. The dissertation aims to reveal a double transition experienced by ELA; the first related to the shift from an institutional to a counter-power unionism, the second, linked to nation-related issues and the convergence from a statutory model to a sovereignity. For this purpose, it is compulsory to analyze ELA's trajectory taking into account the impacts of this transition from that time to the present.

The resulting model must be identified as Combative trade-unionism. This term refers to Quebecan unionism due to the importance of protest action in their collective intervention. In the specific case we are studying, the systematic presence of the union struggle should be emphasized. Such fight has displaced and replaced the previous institutional practice as a tool to defend workers' rights and claims.

How to Cite

Elorrieta Aurrekoetxea, J. (2013). Sindicalismo combativo (ELA 2012: crecer desde el contrapoder). Lan Harremanak, (27).
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