La auditoria sociolaboral: una herramienta por descubrir (y utilizar)



Published 16-03-2015
Ricard Calvo Palomares Juan A. Rodríguez del Pino


The manner in which the audit has been developed as a tool for management of human resources in organizations has sown the real utility of uncertainty that this could have. An investigation initiated in 2012 in the Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology at the University of Valencia, ratified this reality, showing the resistance organizations today have to call their internal control processes, analysis, study or research and audit processes. Among the difficulties that we offer studio, one strikes us in a special way: when can we say that we are auditing an organization? Always we analyze, we study or investigate it? What requirements become a process of analysis, study or research in an audit? This article focuses on analyzing the elements, requirements - which allow reasonably assert that we are developing an audit.

How to Cite

Calvo Palomares, R., & Rodríguez del Pino, J. A. (2015). La auditoria sociolaboral: una herramienta por descubrir (y utilizar). Lan Harremanak, (30).
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