La inclusión de la «cuestión ecológica» en el currículo de los/as graduados/as en Relaciones Laborales y Recursos Humanos



Published 23-01-2016
Ignasi Lerma Montero


The ecological crisis continues accumulating increasingly alarming indicators. Its resolution claims for a new human development model, based on the principles of equity and maintaining growth limitation under the planet's sustainable capacity, which involves the need of deep modifications in the processes of production and its social relations. Therefore, it requires solving and deciding —consciously— about the dilemma sustainability poses for the future of our societies in both, local and global levels. 

In this work is formulated a theoretical frame of the interactional field between the «ecological question» and the industrial relations system, from which a proposal for curriculum content through thematic cores and its educational articulation is developed, according to the professional profile of the future Graduates in Industrial Relations and Human Resources. 

How to Cite

Lerma Montero, I. (2016). La inclusión de la «cuestión ecológica» en el currículo de los/as graduados/as en Relaciones Laborales y Recursos Humanos. Lan Harremanak, (32).
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Panel 4