Resistencias, regulaciones y alternativas: de las estrategias empresariales a las propuestas de transición



Published 26-04-2016
Pedro Ramiro


In the setting of the greatest economic, ecological and social crisis in the history of global capitalism, transnational companies are using a whole series of corporate strategies to present themselves to society as a whole as the principal players in the economic recovery. This repositioning of the corporate image involves, among other factors, a combination of advertising and marketing techniques with the co-opting of government institutions and the assumption of corporate social responsibility as a symbol of business self-regulation. As discussed in this article, in the face of this, with the aim of moving forward towards post-capitalist models of development, civil society organisations and movements are developing new anti-hegemonic discourses, initiatives and proposals for transition based on a triple perspective: one of resistance, putting a brake on the negative impacts of the expansion of transnational corporations; of regulation, proposing control mechanisms that serve to place the rights of people and groups of people above lex mercatoria; and of alternatives, implementing specific proposals that compete with the big corporations for areas of economic autonomy and sovereignty.

How to Cite

Ramiro, P. (2016). Resistencias, regulaciones y alternativas: de las estrategias empresariales a las propuestas de transición. Lan Harremanak, (33).
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