Enpleguko Borondatezko Gizarte Aurreikuspeneko Erakundeek (BGAE) eta Enpleguko Pentsio-Funtsek Kapital Arriskuan egiten duten inbertsioa



Published 15-07-2016
Rosa M.ª Ahumada Carazo Ainhoa Goienetxea Murgiondo


This paper analyzes the investment in Venture Capital that Employment Pension Funds and Employment Voluntary Provident Societies, known as EPSV, the characteristics of Venture Capital as an investment are described, to afterwards inquire about the claims of these institutions when investing. This leads to a number of conclusions that are contrasted through a qualitative analysis based on surveys of Investment Directors from Pension Funds in Spain and Voluntary Provident Societies in the Basque Country.

How to Cite

Ahumada Carazo, R. M., & Goienetxea Murgiondo, A. (2016). Enpleguko Borondatezko Gizarte Aurreikuspeneko Erakundeek (BGAE) eta Enpleguko Pentsio-Funtsek Kapital Arriskuan egiten duten inbertsioa. Lan Harremanak, (34). https://doi.org/10.1387/lan-harremanak.16576
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