Basque Style Managerialism: A Discourse Analysis of the «New Enterprise Culture»



Published 28-06-2019
Carlos Jesús Fernández Rodríguez


Management ideologies are one of the most remarkable features of our age. In a neoliberal context where globalization of markets, new technologies and the intensification of competition are perceived as im-portant challenges for business, the need to improve management processes as well as involve both managers and employees in the performance of corporations has become the cornerstone of contemporary business dis-course. This requires new business policies that are spreading everywhere, including the Basque Country. In this territory, the «New Enterprise Culture» promoted by the Guipuzcoan employers' association ADEGI has been adopted by many firms. In this article, the goal will be to analyse the discourse associated with this new managerial culture, as well as its implications in terms of worker representation and the configuration of the employment relations system.

How to Cite

Fernández Rodríguez, C. J. (2019). Basque Style Managerialism: A Discourse Analysis of the «New Enterprise Culture». Lan Harremanak, (41).
Abstract 586 | PDF (Español) Downloads 337



Managerialism, management, Basque Country, industrial relations, trade unions

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