Some reflexions about the Collaborative Economy and the Emotions Capitalism: new challenges in the analysis of the conflict between Capital and Life



Published 28-06-2019
Irati Mogollón García


The irruption of new (and not so new) technologies of communication (Castells, 2006) with Smart phones and In-ternet strategic devices are deeply transforming our social schemes, our relationships, and production models. These transformations have converged and raised the diverse range of jobs and services known under the umbrella of «Col-laborative Economy». Consequently, it has detonated the path towards the digitalisation of the labour relationships, with its expected translation in the digitalisation of the laboral conditions. The present text comes into scene with the goal of a feminist revision of these transformations, insinuating interrelation between the Collaborative Econ-omy and the notion of Emotions Capitalism proposed by Arlie Hochschild (1995). The authors have two main goals. Firstly, to provide a reflection on the challenges generated in the current situation of conflict between Capital and Life (Orozco, 2006). And secondly, to debate on what is happening with emotions, the exercise of collaboration and experiences that become essential part of the product and process of capitals production..

How to Cite

Mogollón García, I. (2019). Some reflexions about the Collaborative Economy and the Emotions Capitalism: new challenges in the analysis of the conflict between Capital and Life. Lan Harremanak, (41).
Abstract 692 | PDF (Español) Downloads 669



Sustainability of life, emotions capitalism, collaborative economy

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