Krisiaren ondorio psikosozialak: berezitasunik ote?



Published 28-06-2011
Eduardo Apodaka


It is clear that the financial crisis has extremely diverse and complex consequences, of which the psychosocial consequences are by no means the least relevant. However, in this area the consequences of the financial crisis are not special and are no different from those of the global capitalism of our times. This article offers a brief summary in line with the financial crisis of the psychosocial consequences of flexible and globalitarian capitalism. One has to take into account that the logic governing capitalism has developed and that today some new concepts have arisen within the context of what we know as «global consumer capitalism». The most important of these, along with global flexibility, is value added. The intention behind the article is to explain the consequences of these logical concepts in terms of the relationship between the employee and the organisation. To do this, changes in the «psychological contract» have been critically analysed, as have the new management techniques.

How to Cite

Apodaka, E. (2011). Krisiaren ondorio psikosozialak: berezitasunik ote?. Lan Harremanak, (20-21).
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