Study of the sanctioning and remedial measures for the abuse of temporary labour contracts in public employment contemplated in Law 20/2021 and in Royal Decree-Law 32/2021, with particular reference to non-permanent indefinite-term staff
This paper analyses the different types of legal responses provided by the current legal system (Law 20/2021 and Royal Decree-Law 32/2021) to the abuse and non-compliance with the legal regulations on temporary employment contracts in public employment that have occurred in the recent past.
The figure of indefinite non-fixed-term personnel (INF), a figure created by labour jurisprudence, has been the most effective legal sanction against abuse since the beginning of public non-compliance and abuses committed by the Administration in public procurement. However, in the first section of this paper it will be shown that after a resurgence of the INF achieved thanks to an important pronouncement of the CJEU, which seemed to be aligned with this figure, the two legal rules approved at the end of 2021 have put an end to this figure.
The other focuses of this study are aimed at analysing the legal means of stabilising temporary employment, in particular the competitive examination procedures and the exceptional merit-based competition. A comparison will be made with the Framework Agreement on fixed-term work (Directive 1999/70/EC), which has been interpreted by the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU). The strengths and possible weaknesses of the new legal regulation on temporary public employment will also be pointed out.
How to Cite
public temporary recruitment - abuse - stabilisation - indemnification - fixed-term employment - fixedness
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