Incorporation of neurodivergent persons into the labor market: the need for special employment contracts in mexican labor legislation



Published 19-01-2023
Brenda Tufiño Gómez
Ana Esther Escalante Ferrer


This article aims to present an employee contract proposal for neurodivergent people, who deserve to see covered their human right to decent employment.  Also safeguarding their right to health, to an adequate standard of living and to non-discrimination.

In this sense, this paper is developed under deductive method, beginning with the delimitation of neurotypical workers, followed by the analysis of the problems that surround neurodiverse people when they face traditional forms of productivity. At the end with offered the proposal with some elements to be considered in this kind of special employment contracts.

Keywords: neurodiversity, employee contract, human rights.

How to Cite

Tufiño Gómez, B., & Escalante Ferrer, A. E. . (2023). Incorporation of neurodivergent persons into the labor market: the need for special employment contracts in mexican labor legislation. Lan Harremanak, (48).
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