When is the temporary or fixed-discontinuous contract in agricultural work irregular? Extensive jurisprudential review with special reference to the case of the Region of Murcia
The conditions that affect the correct use of the modalities of temporary and permanent labor contracting (both discontinuous and ordinary) in agricultural campaigns are diverse and involve complexity. For this reason, there is a broad jurisprudential doctrine called to clarify when the use of each of the aforementioned contracts is adjusted to law, as well as to specify what are the limits that collective bargaining in this area should not exceed.
The present work intends to present a chronological analysis of the most relevant resolutions on this matter, focusing on the evolution of the majority doctrinal criterion until reaching the prevailing one today. As can be seen, the casuistry of agricultural work in the Region of Murcia is interesting because it addresses issues that are in some cases novel and of enormous relevance.
How to Cite
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