The different elements of compensation for the termination of the contract by unilateral will of the professional athlete without cause attributable to the club



Published 16-04-2024
Pompeyo Gabriel Ortega Lozano


The purpose of this doctrinal study is to provide the necessary guidelines to quantify, assess and prove the financial compensation to be requested to the player for the termination of the employment relationship as a result of his own will. Considering the foregoing background, we intend to provide the appropriate guidelines on the following object: (a) To analyze the application of the general doctrine regarding the economic concepts for which the termination of the employment contract can be claimed at the will of the athlete without cause attributable to the club. (b) The importance of the evidentiary means with which to justify the compensation “petitum” in judicial proceedings for claiming an amount. (c) The realization of an in-depth study of the judicial and academic doctrine for the valuation of the economic compensation “quantum” for the damage that the performance of the professional athlete has caused to the club in cases in which there is no agreed clause.

How to Cite

Ortega Lozano, P. G. (2024). The different elements of compensation for the termination of the contract by unilateral will of the professional athlete without cause attributable to the club. Lan Harremanak.
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